Bhagavata 6th Skandha Upanyasa by Pt. Purandaracharya Hayagreeva

Atmashrama Annual Event - Atmarpanam - Invitation for Participation

आत्माश्रमगुरुकुलपरीक्षा (आत्मार्पणम्-2020)
🌹🌷💐 आत्मार्पणम् - 2020💐🌷🌹
Dates : Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 29, 30 and 31st Jan, 2021


Friday, January 29
Weekly on Sunday, Friday, Saturday, until Jan 31, 2021
Description:Atmashrama is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 7695 3277
Passcode: 21600

Invitation for Registration for Annual Examination
You all know that Atmashrama conducts Annual Examinations for all its students (attending classes both online or in person) every year. Last year’s Atmarpana Annual Examinations were postponed due to Covid-2019. Now, Atmashrama is planning to conduct the Examinations on 29th, 30th and 31st of January, 2021. All students who are attending the classes are requested prepare in their respective subjects and appear for the examinations. This year the examinations will be conducted mainly in the following subjects. Further clarifications can be obtained during your respective classes. Schedule of examinations and details will be announced in the coming days in the respected class whatsapp groups.

NOTE : Appearing for exam is compulsory for all students. Keeping in view that working professionals, aged persons, those who do not have formal learning in Sanskrit also appear for the exams, the exams are conducted in student friendly manner so that they can give exams with any level of knowledge acquired during the classes regarding the subject. The spirit behind conducting these exams is to submit one's learning, however small, at the feet of Gurugalu and get his blessings. Even one word learnt should be submitted to Gurugalu without any fear or apprehension). Though the exams are primarily for those who are attending courses conducted by Atmashrama, students studying with other Gurus are also encouraged to participate in the examinations by selecting the topic of their choice.

1. Basic Sanskrit (Baladarsha, Prathamadarsha)
2. Advanced Sanskrit (Dvitiya Darsha, Trutiya Darsha, Bhandarkar Part 1)
3. Mastery in Sanskrit (Bhandarkar Part 2, Praudha Rachananuvada Kaumudi)
4. Manimanjari
5. Sumadhwa Vijaya
6. Pramana Paddhati with Vedeshiya (Pramana Samanya Lakshananto Bhagaha 15 Paras)
7. Samskrita Deepika
8. Tarka Sangraha – With Shabda Bodha, Nyaya Bodhini, Sita and Kamakshi, Vidyadhari
9. Vyakarana Ashtadhyayi 1st and 3rd Adhyaya
10. Nyayamrutam – 1-15 prakaranas with Nyayamruta Prakasha
11. Mayavada Khandanam with Mandara Manjari and Srinivasa Tirthiya
12. Sriman Nyaya Sudha with Yadupatya (4th Adhyaya)
13. Srimad Bhagavata (Gurukula Batch 11 Skandas, Online Batch 2 Adhyayas)
14. Sriman Mahabharata (Adi, Sabha, Vana, Virata, Udyoga Parvas)
15. Sriman Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya (1-14 Adhyayas)
16. Rig Veda Samhita
17. Kavya - Kumara Sambhava.
18. Nataka – Venisamhara
19. Alankara Shastra (10 Alankaras)

Special Subjects
20. Advaita – (Vedanta paribhasha Pratyaksha)
21. Mimamsa – Parichaya (Artha Sangraha, Mimamsa Paribhasha)
22. Sankhya – Sankhya Tattva Kaumudi
23. Yoga
24. Veda

Moola Grantha Prakisha
1. Brahma Sutras – 1 Adhyaya
2. Amara Kosha – Samagra
3. Ashtadhyayi – Samagra
4. Karikavali – Pratyaksha Pariccheda
5. Bhagavata
6. Bhagavad Gita
7. Tirtha Prabandha
8. Subhashita
9. Dhatupatha
10. Shabda Patha

Venue : Atmashrama
For Online Participants : Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting : Link Details will be given later
Please register at the following link to participate in the examinations and also to receive the zoom link.

