What is Yoga

Yoga essentially is a combination of right actions., knowledge and devotion as a means to reach the ultimate goal. 

The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit Root Yuj = to Join ; meaning a stratagem or a tool; a stratagem for every soul to achieve its true nature which is Joy and Peace; a tool to realize Brahman - the Supreme.

Today there are many schools which teach Yoga as a physical exercise. However, this would only limit the vast scope of Yoga merely to physical experiences. Yoga not only has the power to give us worldly or physical benefits, if practiced in a right way coupled with right knowledge, it can also lead to the world of everlasting joy.

The Purpose of Yoga

The purpose of Yoga is to achieve absolute perfection. It is about rising above all limitations of body, mind and intellect such as desire, anger, selfishness and all other negative tendencies. It is about rising above mundane existence engrossed in unsatiating short-lived pleasures; it is about liberation from our greatest enemy called ego. In short, Yoga is the way to the eternal liberation and everlasting joy!

Types of Yoga

There are mainly three different classifications of Yoga based on the relative magnitude of Right Actions, Knowledge and Devotion. They are called Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhaki yoga respectively.

All these three paths have a component of Right Actions, Knowledge and Devotion. No path of Yoga is complete without any one of these necessary components. The difference among these three paths is in the relative magnitude of these three components employed as a means to achieve the goal.