Gita Tatparya

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चेतनाचेतनजगन्नयन्त्रेशेष संविदे ।

नमो नारायणायाजशर्वशक्रादिवन्दित ।।

Nyaya Vivarana, is the one of the four texts written by Sri Madhwacharya on the Brahma Sutras. It serves as a companion text to both the Sutra Bhashya and Anuvyakhyana. It is the elaboration of the maxims or Nyayas succinctly summarized under each Adhikarana in the Anuvyakhyana.

Need for Nyaya Vivarana

Sutras are presented in the form of very terse aphorisms whose meaning can only be fathomed by digging deep into the context in which the sutra appears and the particular issue(s) it chooses to address. Arranging the sutras into Adhyaya, Pada, Adhikarana format is taken up in the Sutra Bhashya. By doing this, Sutra Bhashya has successfully set the context of each sutra. Acharya states at the end of this work that he composed this work for the benefit of those of lesser intellect.


Sri Jayateertha has written an erudite commentary on the Nyaya Vivarana. Sri Raghuttama Tirtha’s Bhava Bodha and Aeri Balacharya’s commentary are the two sub-commentaries available on Sri Jayateertha’s commentary.

Salient Features

» The Purva Paksha and Siddhanta Nyayas are summarized for each Adhikarana

» Sometimes more than one Adhikarana is summarized together.

» Summaries are very brief usually presented in small phrases and extending to few lines.

» Very helpful in revisiting the gist of Brahma Sutras in a very short time.

» In addition to the maxims, the supporting Shruti and Smriti texts are also quoted.

» The gist of the Sutras, which is difficult to comprehend only from the Sutra Bhashya or Anuvyakhyana, is presented clearly in simple language for easy comprehension.


Nyaya Vivarna is a companion text to Anu Vyakhyana whose purpose is to elaborate upon the Nyayamala (Garland of Maxims) summarised in Anu Vyakhyana.

Before signing off, Sri Madhwacharya says - This text is written for those who are not fit enough to fathom the vast ocean of Nyaya Mimamsa.

Though this text reduces the complexity for the laymen, for the experts this itself is a means to deeper knowledge. Even the experts sometimes would be benefitted by this concise presentation. It is true that no one would be qualified enough to completely understand this vast ocean of knowledge. It is no wonder therefore, that, myself, the third incarnation of Lord Vayu, has presented this knowledge in a concise as well as in exhaustive manner, only due to the grace of the Lord. Let the Lord be pleased by all this, which actually happened due to Him only.

नमोजभवभूर्यक्षपुरस्सरसुराश्रय ।

नारायणारणं मह्यं मापते प्रेयसां प्रिय ।।