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Ishavasya Upanishad Bhashyam

नित्यानित्यजगद्धात्रे नित्याय ज्ञानमूर्तये ।

पूर्णानन्दाय हरये सर्वयज्ञभुजे नमः ।।

Ishavasya Upanishad Bhashyam is a pristine commentary on the famous Ishavasya Upanishad belonging to the Kanva Samhita.

Upanishad Bhashya is like a Temple

Sri Madhwacharya has composed commentaries to the ten principle Upanishads. In the Sumadhva Vijaya, Sriman Narayana Panditacharya extols the Upanishad Bhashyas composed by Sri Madhwacharya as the auspicious temples housed in which the deities benevolently fulfill the desires of all devotees.

The Rishi and Devata

Sri Madhwacharya, in all his Bhashyas, greatly stresses the need to know about the presiding deity and the sage who saw the Upanishad. According to him, this is very important to get the prescribed results. For the Ishavasya Upanishad, Lord Yagna, who incarnated as the son of Sage Ruchi Prajapati and his pious wife Akuti, is the Devata.

The Background of Ishavasya Upanishad

One of the striking contributions of the Bhashya of Sri Madhwacharya is the amount of clarity he gives to the context of the Upanishad. This is an area in which he stands unparalleled among all the other commentators of this Upanishad. This Bhashya gives answers to questions such as, who was praising whom in this Upanishad, what was the reason for praising, among all other forms of the Lord, why the Yagna form is praised etc. Who was Yagna? Svayambhuva Manu was the father of Akuti. Lord Yagna was born to Akuti and Ruchi Prajapati.

Why Svayambhuva Manu extolled Yagna?

When Svayambhuva Manu was doing penance the demons attacked to kill him. He at once prayed to Lord Yagna (who incarnated as his own daughters’ son) for protection. Yagna appeared and vanquished all the demons, though they were granted the boon of being deathless by Lord Shiva.

The Ishavasya Upanishad

This Upanishad occurs at the end of Shukla Yajurveda (Final Chapter). Upanishads normally occur at the end portions of the different sections of the Vedas viz., Samhita, Brahmana and Aranyakas. The Upanishads occurring at the end of the Samhita are called as Samhitopanishads or Mantropanishads. Those occurring at the end of the Brahmana portions are known as the Brahmanopanishads. Those appearing at the end of the Aranyaka portions are known as Aranyakopanishads. As the Ishavasya Upanishad belongs to the Samhita portions of Shukla Yajurveda, it falls in the Mantropanishad category. Hence it is also known as the Yagniya Mantropanishad.

Salient Features of Ishavasya Bhashya

» This is the smallest Upanishad with Profound Thought.

» Highlights the importance of knowing the Rishi, Chandas and Devata of every Vedic Scripture

» Brings forth the Supremacy of Lord Sri Vishnu.

» Enjoy only according to what the Lord has given to oneself. Never beg others as they are not independent.

» No one can stay away from actions. Actions are binding to those who are not realized. Even the realized have a cut in their net bliss due to bad actions.

» Meaning of the word Anejat as fearless

» The reason why those who are pursuing correct path have to face a higher hell than those who purse wrong path; having known the right path, one should also strive to correct those who are pursuing the wrong path in the absence of which, it amounts to giving a nod to their wrong practice thus resulting in sin equal to performing that action

» It amounts to transgressing the instructions of one’s own Guru who imparted the right knowledge.

» Due to this two fold sin, the Upanishad warns one to also strive to correct those who are pursuing the wrong path either knowingly or due to ignorance.

» The meanings of the terms Pushan (Complete), Ekarshi (Knowledgeable), Yama (Controller), Surya (Served by the Seers), Aham (Aheya), Asmi (Eternal), Vayuna (Knowledge) etc., are all clearly explained.

Contents of the Upanishad at a Glance


Ishavasya Upanishad is the shortest of the ten principal Upanishads. Acharya’s Bhashya is very useful in understanding the context and meaning of this Upanishad. Without the help of the Bhashya, it is very difficult to ascertain the proper meaning of this Upanishad.

पूर्णशक्तिचिदानन्दश्रीतेजःस्पष्टमूर्तये ।

ममाभ्यधिकमित्राय नमो नारायणाय ते ।।