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Bhagavata Tatparya Nirnaya

सृष्टिस्थित्यप्ययेहानियतिदृशितमोबन्धमोक्षाश्च यस्मात् 

अस्य श्रीब्रह्मरुद्रप्रभृतिसुरनरद्वीशशत्र्वात्मकस्य । 

विष्णोर्व्यस्ताः समस्ताः सकलगुणनिधिः सर्वदोषव्यपेतः

पूर्णानन्दाव्ययो यो गुररपि परमश्चिन्तये तं महान्तम् ।।


Srimad Bhagavata enjoys a very special place in the galaxy of sacred literature. It is a work of very profound spiritual content. It was composed by the omniscient Bhagavan Vedavyasa, specially, to uplift the mankind belonging to this Kali Age.

Bhagavata Tatparya Nirnaya, written by Jagadguru Sri Madhwacharya, is a commentary par-excellence on this great Srimad Bhagavata Purana. About 1600 original verses among the 18,000 verses of Srimad Bhagavata are commented upon in this work. Though very brief, it is very useful in correctly understanding the intent of Srimad Bhagavata and also the entire scriptures.

Emphasizes the importance of Srimad Bhagavata

At the very beginning of this work, Sri Madhwacharya emphasizes the importance of Srimad Bhagavata by placing it in the same pedestal as the Vedas. More so, he quotes from other scriptures to further highlight it as a commentary on the Brahma Sutras, Mahabharata, Gayatri Mantra and the entire Vedas. In this work, Sri Madhwacharya firmly establishes the fact that even Puranas like Bhagavata are philosophical works of high caliber. According him, one's study of the Vedas cannot be complete without understand the correct meaning of the Vedas coming from a thorough understanding of the Itihasa and Puranas.

A Friend in Need

Imagine you set off on a journey to a remote place in a distant state. Also, assume that you have lost your way there. Added to this, if you do not know any of the languages spoken there to ask for your way, what would be your state? Helpless, is it not?  Similarly, when someone treads the esoteric path of the Puranas, one completely loses his way, unable to rightly comprehend their essence. The situation is made even worse because of the lack of understanding of the three Bhashas (Kinds of Figurative Speech)which are employed - Darshana, Samadhi and Guhya. It is in such a situation that Bhagavata Tatparya Nirnaya comes, as good friend, to help us reach our goal of correct understanding.

Supplies missing links

Bhagavata Tatparya Nirnaya supplies several missing links at points where one is totally misled by the superficial meanings. To quote one instance - as per the Bhagavata's version, Arjuna captures Ashwatthama after the latter killed the five sons of Pandavas. On the contrary, as per the Mahabharata it was actually Bheema who captures Ashwatthama. Here is a contradiction. Well, how to solve this paradox? Bhagavata Tatparya Nirnaya has the answer. Bhagavata version is actually a narrative of the dream which Ashwatthama happens to see on the previous night of his heinous act. Hence there is no contradiction. Misconceptions convincingly removed There could be several misconceptions regarding the philosophical import of Srimad Bhagavata. A few verses and expressions in the Bhagavata text appear to yeild advaitic interpretation. These may be extrapolated to give the entire text an Advaitic interpretation. There could be also several misconceptions regarding the true nature of Supreme God and also regarding the flow of events. Such interpretations and misconceptions are checked by the Tatparya by drawing from more than 200 ancient works belonging to the Pancharatra tradition.

Highlights of Bhagavata Tatparya Nirnaya

Some of the highlights of the Bhagavata Tatparya are as follows -

» Lord Vishnu is established as the Para Brahman of the Upanishads

» The status of Bhagavata text is established with the following revelations - as equal to that of the Vedas. It is a commentary on Brahma Sutras. It encompasses the meaning of the Mahabharata. It is the essence of all Puranas.

» The Reality of the creation of the Lord is upheld with authentic references throughout this text

» Lord Narayana is immortal. His body is of the nature of pure knowledge and bliss. He is only the instrumental cause of this Universe.

» The word Maya is interpreted as the Will of God as against the Advaita interpretation as Illusory.

» There is no difference whatsoever between the various forms of the Lord, between the God's essence and His qualities or parts.

» Tantra Bhagavata, an ancient text is often quoted in Bhagavata Tatparya, which is significant contribution, as it clears many doubts regarding many difficult words.

» Prarabhdha Karmas are to be compulsorily endured. However, in the most special cases, some of such Karmas get dissolved for elated souls like Arjuna. » All names point to Lord Vishnu only. Use of the names in a sense other than Vishnu, is allowed in a limited sense, so as to carry out essential worldly affairs.


Bhagavata Tatparya is a great boon to those who wish to fathom the esoteric meaning of Srimad Bhagavata. Acharya signs off by performing an invocation to Lord Vishnu.

नित्यादोषस्वरूपाय गुणपूर्णाय सर्वदा ।

नारायणाय हरये नमः प्रेष्ठतमाय मे ।।