Sadachara Smruti

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Sadachara Smriti 

यस्मिन् सर्वाणि कर्माणि सन्यस्याध्यात्मचेतसा ।

निराशीर्निर्ममो याति परं जयति सोच्युतः ।।

Sadachara Smriti is a short work of Thirty Seven verses written by Sri Madhwacharya. This small treatise on Dharma and Rituals attempts to awaken the ethical values in the society. It sets a platform to uplift the moral standards of the common people. This text contains many thoughts that throw a flood of light on the social fabric as envisaged in the Vedic lore. It is a concise presentation of the various teachings of Bhagavan Vedavyasa.

The Essence of All Actions

At the outset, Sri Madhwacharya mentions the key to success. Ultimate success can be achieved when all prescribed actions are performed without any ego. The goal of all actions should be only spiritual and there should be complete detachment towards other fruits.

Morning Duties

Every morning should have an auspicious beginning. If the beginning is auspicious our day will be filled with enthusiasm and success at every step. Nothing in this Universe is as auspicious as Lord Sri Vishnu. Hence one should wake up while remembering Him. After that one should duly attend natures call, brush their teeth and take bath as prescribed in the scriptures.

Purification through Bath

Our body constantly throws out impurities through its nine openings. Purification of body can be performed by five kinds of Bath.

» Mantra Snana

» Mala Snana 

» Dhyana Snana

» Varuna Snana

» Jala Snanam

By performing these baths while reciting the stipulated mantras one's body gets purified. Pure soil is a great cleanser of the body. It removes the bodily oudor and gives enhances the luster of the body. It also gives a very pleasant odour. Chanting the Vasudeva, Narayana and Vishnu Mantras one should dip thrice in the water. Then one should sprinkle water over the head by chanting the ApyaSukta. Later, dipping thrice in water each time chanting AghamarshanaSukta should be done. One should rise up after the final dip while chanting the OM. This gives immense benefits by the way of cleaning off all our past sins. Also contemplation of Lord Sri Hari as the creator and Lord of all is a great way to cleanse off all our sins.

Taking Bath is anointment of the Lord

Human body is an abode of the Lord. One should contemplate that he is performing the Abhishekha (Anointment) of the Lord while pouring water on top of his head. One should chant PurushaSukta at this time. After the bath, one should wear pure clothes and perform religious service.

Daily Ablutions and Service

Daily religious service includes giving Arghya to Surya Narayana, Chanting the Gayatri Mantra and Narayana Mantra. Also other Devas, Brahmins, Gurus and Saints are to be appropriately worshipped. All the service offered to the Lord and all of one's kith and kin and other belongings should be submitted at the feet of Lord Sri Hari.

How to spend the day?

The major portion of the day should be spent in the study, discourse and discussion of the Vedic Scriptures. At the end of the day, evening rites such as Sandhyavandana should be duly performed. All this should be undertaken with the sole purpose of propitiating Lord Sri Hari. One should retire to bed by constantly remembering Lord Janardana. The Lord is to be remembered whenever one becomes awake during the night.

Complete Surrender to the Lord

A person should completely surrender to Lord Sri Narayana. All the actions performed by the body, mind, the sense organs, the intellect and the self are as per the innate nature are to be surrendered at the feet of Lord Sri Hari.

Why surrender only to Lord Sri Narayana?

All the scriptures including Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavata categorically state that Lord Sri Vishnu is Supreme Being. All actions should be submitted only to Him. In this work, Sri Madhwacharya freely quotes the words of Bhagavan Vedavyasa to support this view.

Religious practices as per ones Ashrama

The acts of hygiene, worship, devotion to Lord Sri Vishnu elucidated above are common for householders as well as Vanaprasthas. The Brahmacharins should also adhere to most of the rituals with the exception of Vaishwadeva, Baliharana and Dantadhavana.

Duties of ascetics

The ascetics are not ordained to perform Vaishvadeva and Baliharana. As an ascetic disowns everything in this world, he should not have any income of his own. All the worship performed by an ascetic could only be with the earnings of his disciples who are householders. In this work Sri Madhwacharya also specifies the religious duties of Paramahamsa, Kuticaka ascetics and also Brahmacharins.


Being the only Supreme Being, Lord Sri Vishnu alone is mainly worshipped by one and all. All other deities such as Lakshmi, Brahma are to be worshipped only as members of the clan of Lord Sri Vishnu. Sri Hari is the eternal embodiment of infinite auspicious qualities with a blemishless form and without defects like dependence.

Sri Madhwacharya, who is the devotee of Lord Sri Hari, has established through this text the highly significant doctrine and the essence of all scriptures, that all our actions must be performed and surrendered to Lord Sri Hari to seek his blessings. In the closing invocation Sri Madhwacharya submits this text to the Lord Himself and earnestly prays for his blessings.

अशेषकल्याणगुणनित्यानुभवसत्तनुः ।

अशेषदोषरहितः प्रीयतां पुरुषोत्तमः ।।