Gita Tatparya

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shrImadAnandatIrthArya mukha nihsR^itaM


अशेषगुणपूर्णत्वं सर्वदोषसमुज्झितिः । विष्णोरन्यच्च तत्तन्त्रं इति सम्यङ्गविनिर्णयः ।।

asheShaguNapUrNatvaM sarvadoShasamujjhitiH | viSNoranyacca tattantramiti samyagvinirNayaH |


If one needs to propagate "what one knows, without deviating from the truthful primary doctrine", then one should first know what the primary doctrine is. The sat-siddhAnta or truthful doctrine is of two types

  1. Para sat-siddhAnta
  2. Apara sat-siddhAnta. 

Both these are again of two types

  1. vAchanika
  2. AnuSha~Ngika.

Here vAchanika para sat-siddhAnta is given first. 

What is vAchanika para sat-siddhAnta?

sAxAdbrahmasvarUpAvadhAraNapare ananyArthatayA ukto arthaH vAchanika para sat-siddhAntaH ---

vAchanika para sat-siddhAnta is one which is primarily mentioned in those portions of the shAstra where the nature of Brahman is directly elucidated.

The doctrines

  1. asheShaguNapUrNatvaM - Having infinite auspicious qualities
  2. sarvadoShasamujjhitiH - being free from all blemishes
  3. viSNoranyacca tattantraM - viShNu is the the efficient cause of janmAdi aShTaka 


are all called vAchanika para sat-siddhAnta as these doctrines are primarily mentioned in the sUtra "OM janmAdyasya yataH OM' which directly elucidates the nature of Brahman.