Welcome to Atmashrama

Atmashrama is a spiritual institution actively working to rekindle Vedic Wisdom for Modern Living.  Since the time of its inception in the year 2006, the Ashrama has been doing yeomen service in various unique and innovative ways. 

Today, there is a great need to inculcate good culture, right and noble thinking among everyone, especially the present generation youth who are the future torch bearers of our society. Unfortunately the fast paced modern life-style and persistent efforts of vested interests to mislead our younger generation is increasingly becoming a cause of great concern. 

At a time when the human kind is immersed in the mundane materialistic life style which is increasingly becoming the chief cause of severe stress, worries and ill-health, Atmashrama finds the Vedic Wisdom presented in the form of Spiritual Vaishnavism propounded by 13th Century Vaishnava Saint Shri Madhwacharya, vouchsafed by Mahants such as Sri Jayateertha, Sri Raghavendra Swami and scores of other saints, to be the holisitic path which can be a panacea of all modern evils. 

Taking a cue from the ancient teachings, Atmashrama under the leadership of its founder Acharya Atmadasa (Dr. Rachuri Acharya), has developed a holistic meditation technique called the Atmopasana Dhyana Yoga which is a great boon for today's stressfull lifestyle. Dr. Acharya, is a software engineer turned Vedic Scholar, who is internationally recognized in Madhwa Circles for his yeomen service and self-less dedication. After years of research he has conceived the Madhwa Lab Framework for Holistic Spiritual Development of the individuals. Under the dynamic leadership of Sri Acharya, many people are able to taste the nectar of Vedic Teachings using the Madhwa Lab facility. 


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