Gita Tatparya

Dr. Rachuri Acharya

देवं नारायणं नत्वा सर्वदोषविवर्जितम् ।

परिपूर्णं गुरूंश्चान्गीतार्थं वक्ष्यामि लेशतः ।।

Gita Bhashya is the first of the 37 works written by Jagadguru Sri Madhwacharya. Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the celestial song that flowed from the divine mouth of the Supreme God Himself. It is one of the very few texts which enjoy a wide appeal and universal acceptance. Gita Bhashya is a pristine commentary on Srimad Bhagavad Geeta. Like a sun, it richly illuminates the entire world, by its rays of divine light.

The Authenticity of Mahabharata

Before commencing his commentary on Srimad Bhagavad Geeta, Sri Madhwacharya firmly establishes the greatness and authenticity of Mahabharata, of which Srimad Bhagavad Geeta is an important part. As an important episode of Mahabharata, the authenticity of Srimad Bhagavad Geeta is established beyond doubt. Sri Madhwacharya declared that Mahabharata helps one to understand the Vedas. For those who do not have the qualification to understand Vedas, Mahabharata itself takes the place of Veda.

The Greatness of Geeta

In Geeta Bhasya, it is vividly explained how Srimad Bhagavad Geeta is the essence of the entire Mahabharata. It is also shown how the essence of the Vedas is captured in the Geeta text. The Incarnation of Vedavyasa Sri Madhwacharya has given a brief prologue to the Geeta text in the form of the incarnation of Vedavyasa and the circumstances which lead to the composition of Mahabharata by Him. While Lord has revealed the Geeta to Arjuna in the battle field, it was BhagavanVedavyasa, who composed this song, well before the time of the actual revelation.

Mahabharata - The 5th Veda

At the end of Dvapara Yuga, the Vedic Knowledge had become obscured and people were bewildered and grossly ignorant of the right path. Bhagavan Vedavyasa composed Mahabharata at the behest of the Lord Brahma and other celestials who took pity at the plight of the people belonging to the Dvapara Yuga. Sri Madhwacharya declared that Mahabharata enjoys several layers of interpretations. Some of them are beyond mortal comprehension. The fact that Mahabharata reveals subtle truths known only to the Supreme God, that are not-mentioned even in the infinite Vedas, establishes its superiority over the Vedas.

Unique Features of Geeta Bhasya

» Establishes the validity of the Scriptures

» Establishes the un-authoredness of the Vedas

» Establishes the supremacy of the Geeta over other scriptures

» Aptly supplies the right context of each Geeta verse and juxtaposes the verses and chapters in logical flow of thought.

» Clears several mis-understandings about the meaning of Geeta Verses with striking logic and ample common-sense grounds.

» Successfully brings forth the true purport of Geeta.


Being the first text of Sri Madhwacharya, Gita Bhashya has become the harbinger of a new era which saw the resurgence of the Traditional Tattvavada school of thought, which was hitherto clouded by divergent philosophies. It was successful in presenting a unified view of the Prasthana Trayi - The Upanishads, The Brahma Sturas and The Bhagavad Geeta.

पूर्णादोषमहाविष्णोर्गीतामाश्रित्य लेशतः ।

निरूपणं कृतं तेन प्रीयतां मे सदा विभुः ।।