Gita Tatparya

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समस्तगुणसम्पूर्णं सर्वदोषविवर्जितम् ।

नारायणं नमस्वंकृत्य गीतातात्पर्यमुच्यते ।।

Sri Madhwacharya has composed two commentaries on Srimad Bhagavad Gita. They are Gita Bhashya and Gita Tatparya Nirnaya. While the Gita Bhashya has been compared to the glowing Sun, Gita Tatparya Nirnaya is like the glittering moon, providing additional clarity on the esoteric meanings of Srimad Bhagavad Gita.


Gita Tatparya, true to its name, sets off by providing the essence (Tatparya) of Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Not only that, it even goes farther and presents the quintessence of entire scriptures. Gita Verses are freely quoted to support the views extended thereby proving that Srimad Bhagavad Gita itself is the essence of all scriptures.

What is the essence of all scriptures?

Gita Tatparya, at the outset, gives the gist of the scriptures to be “The greatest Dharma of an individual is to devoutly perform one’s prescribed duties as a service unto God without expecting mundane benefits. Everything else is Adharma”. The famous words of Sri Madhwacharya सर्वं च एतत् अत्रैव अवगम्यते categorically state that such essence of the entire scriptures is verily known by the study of Srimad Bhagavad Gita itself.

Style of Gita Tatparya

The style employed in Gita Tatparya is very unique. First a brief statement about the chief purport of a complete chapter is given. Then, for selected verses where there is a chance of misinterpretation, a succinct comment is added suggesting the right interpretation. Then authentic scriptural verses are quoted to substantiate the suggested interpretation. Sometimes fresh ideas and interpretations are given which reveal the richness in the Gita thought. All such interpretation is also substantiated by valid scriptural references.

The chief aim of Gita Tatparya is not to give word-to-word meaning of the verses but to deliver the essence of Srimad Bhagavad Gita so that it is easily digestible. Therefore, points that are dealt with concisely in Bhagavad Gita Bhashya are expanded in Gita Tatparya and vice-versa.

Gita and Karma Sanyasa

In Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Lord Sri Krishna apparently proposes two paths for divine experience 1. Karma Yoga 2.Karma Sanyasa. Many a commentator other than Sri Madhwacharya has interpreted Karma Sanyasa to mean absolute abstinence from performing of Actions. But Sri Madhwacharya reveals the true purport of Lord Sri Krishna’s teachings about Karma Sanyasa. No one can exist without doing any actions even for a second. Hence Karma Sanyasa is not about leaving all actions but it is about proper application of thought before, during and after the performance of each action.

Unique Features of Gita Tatparya

» Clarification on several key doctrines of Tattvavada

» Excellent Critique of Other Schools of Thought

» Refutation of identity of Souls with Brahman

» Alternative Interpretation of Vedic Passages

» The Concept of Sakshi

» The Concept of Vishesha

» Collating points that are spread across

» Clarifying the position of Gita Bhashya

» Bringing out points that are not specifically mentioned in Gita Bhashya

» Bringing out the manifold meanings of Srimad Bhagavad Gita

» Quoting from very rare dictionaries like Shabda Kosha

Closing Statements

Sri Madhwacharya ends the Gita Tatparya by bowing to Lord Sri Vishnu as having all the attributes that were expounded as belonging to Himin Srimad Bhagavad Gita. He also reveals his identity for the benefit of all his disciples as the third incarnation of Lord Vayu. Hanuman and Bheemawere his two previous incarnations. In this third incarnation as Madhwacharya, he composed several texts including Gita Tatparya and submitted at the feet of Lord Vishnu Himself.

निःशेषदोषरिहतकल्याणाखिलसद्गुण ।

भूतिस्वयम्भुशर्वादिवन्द्यं त्वां नौमि मे प्रियम् ।।