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सोपासना च द्विविधा शास्त्राभ्यासस्वरूपिणी ।

ध्यानरूपा परा चैव तदङ्गं धारणादिकम् ।।

sOpAsanAca dvividhA shAstrAbhyAsasvarUpiNI|

dhyAnarUpA parA caiva tadangaM dhAraNadikaM | Anuvyakhyana 3.3




The upAsana(propitiation of the Supreme Brahman) is possible in two ways, by the study of shastra and meditation(the former being the precursor to the later). All other methods such as dhAraNa,pratyAhAra,prANAyAma,Asana,yama,niyamasa are only instruments of dhyAna are not independent means for the saxAtkAra of Brahman. Eventhough the study of shastra is, by nature, an instrument of dhyAna, it is also an independent means of Brahma sAxAtkAra(for people of lesser qualifications). People of higher qualifications study shastra, perform dhyAna and get the saxAtkAra of Brahman while others get saxAtkAra of Brahman directly by studying the shAstra.