Kena Upanishad Bhashyam

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प्रतिबम्बवदपि ह्येषां आनन्दोन्यगुणा यथा । नारायणानुगुणाधीनश्च ।

pratibimbavadapi EShAm.h AnandOnyaguNA yathA |

nArAyaNaguNa adhInascha |



Eventhough the bliss enjoyed by the four-faced Brahma etc., is a reflection of the bliss of the Supreme Brahman, still there is a diversity in the bliss enjoyed by different souls due to the variation in its root causes like devotion etc, just as there is diversity in the glitter of the sun's reflection in a crystal and water due to the nature of the reflecting media. Here it should be mentioned that the reflection is not due to the reflecting media alone but also due to the influence of the bimba or the sun. Otherwise, the presence of some non-illuminous object like a stone must also cause the reflection. Similarly, the influence of the Supreme Brahman is the cause of the reflection.