వాయుస్తుతి - 3

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yathAshaktyakhilAn.h vedAn.h vij~nAyopAsanaM bhavet.h |

tatrAkhilasya vij~naptiH samyak.h brahmaNa eva hi |

tadanyeShAM yathAyogaM akhilaj~naptiriShyate | | AnuvyAkhyAna 3.3


Upasana should be made after understanding the entire Vedic literature according to one's capacity. Therefore, it is not correct to say that one needs to know only his own sakha. It is also not necessary for everyone to know the entire Vedas. Not everyone is capable of understanding the entire Vedas. Why? Because the Vedas are ananta - infinite. And the souls have limited capacity. Among the eligible souls, only the four-faced Brahma is capable of properly knowing everything that is there in the Vedas. Others understand the Vedas according to their capacity.